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Bunny Time!
My name is Myles and I loooooove rabbit and all kinds of creatures. I live with my father and a black cat. When I see two guys fighting sometimes I wish they would just make up and eat each other.
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There's a lot I want to to with this site - please be patient with me while I figure out exactly what those things I want to do are!
I do a lot of the writing and re-writing of this site while at work since my job involves a lot of "waiting for things to go wrong." I also use that time to browse the "latest updated" websites on here, so if you get a follow from me that is most likely how I found you! Here is a picture of rabbits to break up the text a little bit.

There's a lot I want to to with this site - please be patient with me while I figure out exactly what those things I want to do are!
I do a lot of the writing and re-writing of this site while at work since my job involves a lot of "waiting for things to go wrong." I also use that time to browse the "latest updated" websites on here, so if you get a follow from me that is most likely how I found you! Here is a picture of rabbits to break up the text a little bit.

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